
Aparigraha – Pushpanjali Mudra


Aparigraha means “non-grasping” and refers to absence of attachment and greed.  Aparigraha teaches us to take only what we need, keep only what serves us in the moment, and to let go when the time is right. 

Pushpanjali Mudra – Gesture of Offering Flowers

pushpanjali mudra

With this gesture we thinking about holding some beautiful flowers gently in our hands, letting the flowers rest lightly without holding on too tightly.  We see these flowers as our material possessions, our relationships and also our past experiences.

With material possessions the tighter we hold on the more we are weighted down.  The more we become attached to something the more we worry about losing it.

If we hold on to tightly to our relationships they may wilt or slip away.

When holding to tightly to the past we don’t realize the possibilities that are in the present.

So as we visualize the beautiful, delicate flowers and compare them to our possessions, our relationships and our personally history we learn that they are to be treated with gentleness and kindness and sometimes it is necessary to let them go.

Aparigraha means “non-grasping” and refers to absence of attachment and greed.  Aparigraha teaches us to take only what we need, keep only what serves us in the moment, and to let go when the time is right. 


First we learn that there is no need to have more than what will meet your basic needs.

Non- grasping also refers to excessive attachment within our relationships and our personal history.

As you come to realize that that you already have everything you need, you no longer reach outside of yourself for things you believe will make you complete.

As you let go of things that you don’t need you find a greater contentment and ease, you naturally hold life more lightly and lovingly and you release all that no longer supports your journey.

To deepen your sense of lightness and ease visualize yourself seated by the edge of a mountain stream, your hands are filled with flowers as symbols of all you have received along your journey in this life.

These flowers are symbols of your material possessions all the stuff you own, all the things you hold on to. The tighter you hold on to material possessions, the more you weigh yourself down.  The more you become attached to your material possessions the more you worry about losing them.  As you breathe hold these possessions lightly and lovingly, on an exhale release into the stream any possessions you may be holding to tightly, let go of things that you no longer need, things that no longer serve you.

aparigraha imageNow see these flowers as your friends and family, recognize that their love must be held lightly and sensitively, if held to tightly love like the flowers may wilt.  When held lightly and lovingly the flowers like your relationships are able to blossom and grow.  On an exhale release into the stream any excessive attachment to relationships allowing them to grow and flourish.

Next see the flowers as your experiences in this life, everything you have done, everything you have been that makes your history.  While on this journey each experience is unique and meaningful, but when you hold onto the past too tightly you are unable to appreciate the present moment and what is possible now.  On an exhale see yourself releasing into the stream any attachment from the past that keeps you from moving forward.  Releasing this attachment allows you to live in the present moment living with light and joy.

Aparigraha teaches us to take only what we need, keep only what serves us in the moment, and to let go when the time is right. 



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